We asked people about their UBC tattoos

Your twenties are for getting tattooed. You could be commemorating a loved one, learning to love your body or even just decorating your skin. Tattoos have vastly different meanings for different people. But some have decided to commemorate their time at university by getting UBC tattoos.

We talked to some of these freaks to find out why they spent money to get tattoos about UBC, a place where they already spend thousands of dollars per year on tuition.

['auto'] Clairvoyant Soup

I went to UBC and all I got was this stupid tattoo

Why did you get this tattoo?

Dave Fuck: I spent so much of my parents’ money on getting a degree in forestry. I still don’t even know what the ‘silvi’ in ‘silviculture’ means. I thought it meant silver, but someone gave me a weird look when I said that once so I figured I was wrong. I just keep forgetting to look it up. Anyway, I thought that after wasting a portion of my parents money on my degree that I could at least waste more of it on a snarky tattoo.

Do you think you’ll ever regret it?

Eh, who cares. I’ll spend more of their money on removing it.

['auto'] Clairvoyant Soup

The line in the Sauder Tim Hortons

Why this specifically?

Brandy Klark: I’ve wasted so many hours in that line. I wanted to extend the suffering to a leg piece. It’s kind of a celebration of my resilience.

What’s your Tims order?

Black iced coffee and three Timbits. I like suffering.

['auto'] Clairvoyant Soup

A UBC Sustainability Smart Car

What compelled you to get this?

Laura Palmer: I never really trusted these. I got it more to keep myself questioning them. They’re everywhere but I never see them doing anything.

Do you think they’re watching us?


This article is part of The Ubyssey’s 2021 spoof issue, NICE Magazine.