How we run

The Ubyssey is an independent publication overseen by an Editorial Board of 11 paid editors and a Board of Directors.

The Editorial Board, made up of UBC students, is elected by staff at the end of every academic year. The Board of Directors is made up of our business manager, our coordinating editor, our alumni rep, our treasurer, our staff representative and five elected members-at-large, one of whom is elected president of the Board of Directors. The five members-at-large are elected during the annual AMS elections.

The Editorial Board functions as a collective. While the coordinating editor takes a bird's-eye view of the publication, they're not the editor-in-chief. Every major decision at this paper is made in consultation with the whole editorial board.

The Ubyssey aims to report on the UBC community accurately, fairly and in a timely fashion. The Ubyssey strives to cover the diversity of experiences on campus, and ensure that our office and community is welcoming to all.

We follow the Canadian Association of Journalists ethics guidelines, but we also have our own internal policies. The Ubyssey Publications Society constitution and bylaws governs how our Board of Directors functions, but our editorial policies set standards for when we give out anonymity, when we unpublish pieces and more.

For further information on how The Ubyssey functions as a newspaper, please email the coordinating editor at