Cole Evans is the new AMS president

Cole Evans has become the new AMS president-elect, beating out competitors Ian Stone and Harresh Thayakaanthan.

Evans, who is the current VP administration, ran on a platform of lobbying the university to commit more funding to mental health support, implementing the AMS Equity Plan and advocating for affordable housing through the creation of a new AMS service. He also won a student senator-at-large seat.

“I’m really glad that UBC students put their trust in me and supported me. It was great meeting so many people and I’m so excited to get back to work for everybody.”

Evans said his first priority when he gets into office will be working on increasing student engagement to the AMS, citing the low voter turnout this year.

“This year we saw some very low voter engagement, so I want to really make sure that we’re engaging students and we're making sure that students feel connected to the AMS.”